Gina Marie Agderian is a New Jersey-based, independent author who self-published her first novel in April 2018 titled “The Letters in the Old House.” In her novel, a woman at a crossroads in her life discovers mysterious letters in her aunt...
Gina Marie Agderian is a New Jersey-based, independent author who self-published her first novel in April 2018 titled “The Letters in the Old House.” In her novel, a woman at a crossroads in her life discovers mysterious letters in her aunt & uncle’s Jersey Shore beach house, then goes on a mission to figure out the story behind the letters while learning about herself in the process.
In this episode, Gina talks about how she finally stopped putting off her childhood dream of writing a novel, and shares her tips for getting started and staying focused on your own writing and other creative passions. She also describes what it’s like to self-publish a book, and how self-publishing through Amazon allowed her to write her first novel according to her creative vision.
You can connect with Gina on her website and on Instagram @gsellsseashells, and purchase “The Letters in the Old House” on Amazon.