Charity & Philanthropy Episodes

Nov. 8, 2021

Combating hunger and reducing food waste – with Jasmine Crowe, Founde…

Jasmine Crowe is an award-winning social entrepreneur, TED Speaker, and leader who is working to make the world a better place one cause at a time. In 2017, after years of feeding people experiencing homelessness from her own kitchen, she launched...

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Oct. 25, 2021

Reimagining support for cancer survivors – with Kathleen Brown, Found…

TW: Mentions of suicidal ideation, death from cancer. Kathleen Brown was diagnosed with a rare cancer at the age of 13. While her cancer battle was enormously challenging, she felt completely unprepared for the mental health and emotional struggles...

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June 28, 2021

Episode 132: Care More. Be Better -- with Corinna Bellizzi

Corinna Bellizzi is a natural products industry executive and social benefit entrepreneur. In her professional life as the head of marketing and sales for her clients, she champions social benefit programs to enhance brand development and company...

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June 7, 2021

Episode 130: Making social impact through business -- with Kuda Biza

Kuda Biza is a serial entrepreneur who started his first company when he was 9 years old in Zimbabwe. Over the course of 10 years he has successfully launched 6 businesses. Currently, he is the co-founder & CMO of Nunbelievable, a...

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March 29, 2021

Episode 125: Changing the world through community service -- with Nic…

TW/CW: Mentions of domestic violence Nichelle Walker is a passionate community service advocate who encourages people to take responsibility for doing things that matter within their local communities. She sees community service as a way to find local...

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Jan. 18, 2021

Episode 120: Make your voice heard with LipRevolt – with Courtney Ste…

Courtney Stewart is the Founder and CEO of LipRevolt, a cosmetics brand specializing in lipstick that promotes social activism. Through LipRevolt, Courtney aims to inspire people to fight for what they believe in and to speak up for others. LipRevolt...

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Oct. 5, 2020

Episode 112: Rolling the 230-pound Cancer Sucks Tire – with DeAndre W…

DeAndre Wilson is the creator of the Keep Rolling Campaign, a fundraising platform that commemorates his father’s life and helps nonprofits and families battling cancer who need some extra financial assistance. He is currently working on a...

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Sept. 7, 2020

Episode 110: Incarceration, re-entry and resilience – with activist a…

Bea Spadacini is an activist and writer whose goal is to promote peace and justice by elevating conversations about issues that are often underrepresented in the mainstream media. Originally from Italy, she has lived in the United States for over...

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May 11, 2020

Episode 100: An entrepreneurial approach to philanthropy by Harris Ro…

Harris Rosen is the President & Chief Operating Officer of Rosen Hotels & Resorts. He is Florida's largest independent hotelier, having built a portfolio of eight hotels in Orlando, with close to 7,000 guestrooms, over the course of 45...

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April 27, 2020

Episode 98: Take Control of Your Money and Life -- with Rahkim Sabree

Rahkim Sabree is an author, speaker, and nonprofit co-founder specializing in personal finance and mentoring. He recently released his second book entitled "Financially Irresponsible" and delivered a TEDx talk in December 2019 on Financial...

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March 30, 2020

Episode 96: How para-powerlifter Garrison Redd is disabling limitatio…

Garrison Redd is a TEDx speaker, para-powerlifter, model, dancer, and most of all, an advocate for disabled rights. He founded an organization called “TheGarrisonReddProject” to provide resources and services that improve the well-being of...

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Oct. 14, 2019

Episode 82: How a StrongAssMindset can overcome colon cancer and othe…

On this episode, you'll meet Tabitha Cavanagh, creator of the #StrongAssMindset hashtag on social media, and a co-chair of the Never Too Young Advisory Board for the Colorectal Cancer Alliance.  After facing an unexpected colon cancer diagnosis...

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Jan. 21, 2019

Episode 44: Larry Sprung – Founder of Mitlin Financial and advocate …

This episode features Larry Sprung, the President and Founder of Mitlin Financial, Inc.  He also serves on the National Board of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).  On this episode, Larry discusses the critical events in...

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Aug. 20, 2018

Episode 24: Steven Riecker – An epic journey on the Appalachian Trail

Steven Riecker has been passionate about the outdoors for over 50 years. In 2017, he embarked on an EPIC journey and thru-hiked the 2,190-mile Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine, over 5 months, through 14 states and hiked nearly 5 million...

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July 2, 2018

Episode 17: Jeannette Wheatley - Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts

After Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, Jeannette Wheatley spent 3 years volunteering with a charitable organization called World Hope for their hurricane relief efforts in Louisiana. Far from her home in Michigan and with a broken...

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